Have you reached a point in your professional or business life where a full service professional advisory team can add value to your financial situation? Are you looking to build upon the wealth that you have created or to leave a legacy for your family? Perhaps you should investigate whether our specialized professional practice is right for you.

Ryan and his team focus on providing investment advice to individuals, families and businesses who value full-service, competent, specialized advice. We help a broad range of unique individuals and specialize in working with senior executives, business owners, actuaries and professionals in tech, media, medicine and law, who demand a structured, repeatable process to achieve their goals.

In our professional wealth management practice, we believe wealth is built around the values of integrity, clarity, trust and long-term planning. We place the utmost importance on discovering what our clients wish to achieve in life and then help develop a plan to meet those objectives. The heart of our four-step process includes: Introduction, Discovery, Solutions and Brilliant Service.

Our four-step process

Introduction – Ryan and his team will introduce you to RBC Dominion Securities and a full suite of wealth management services, not just during the first meeting, but on an on-going basis as your needs evolve and new services become available.

Discovery – The second step involves gaining a deeper understanding of your individual needs, goals and circumstances to help clarify your financial objectives. Ryan will also look at factors such as your return objectives, income needs, time horizon and risk tolerance.

Solutions –  With a thorough understanding of your financial circumstances, personal goals and profile, Ryan will work with you to develop thoughtful and creative solutions tailored to your objectives. An Investment Policy Statement is created to document your financial objectives and the guiding principles for how your investments will be managed.

The core principles of our investment philosophy:

  • Protect capital over the long-term by investing with a margin of safety
  • Rational and disciplined long-term thinking about investments
  • Establish a high-quality, concentrated portfolio tailored to each client’s unique goals
  • Invest in quality companies in global themes that are changing the world

Our thoughtful and reasoned investment principles have produced excellent results over the long-run, while reducing exposure to risk. Our clients and their families worked hard to earn the money entrusted to us, so we work hard to earn a solid return and protect the fruits of their labour.


Brilliant Service – Ryan will regularly review your situation to ensure that your financial objectives are being met in light of your changing needs.


Ryan Son Kee, FSA, CFA, MBA

Portfolio Manager & Investment Advisor


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